Current Issue Cover

(1.浙江科技学院机械与汽车工程学院,杭州 310023;2.浙江大学,杭州310027)

摘 要
测地线的计算在计算机图形处理等方面有着广泛的应用。采用基于MMP(Mitchell, Mount,Papadimitrious)方法,实现了三角曲面上测地线的计算,修正了Vitaly Surazhsky等采用的测地线算法中的误差。该方法首先在窗口传播上摒弃了原有的近似结束条件,采用光源射线法。特别在窗口相交处理过程中采用多种情况的分层枚举,补充了Vitaly Surazhsky讲述的单一情况,窗函数多交点时的测地线偏差情况,并且提供简洁的回溯方法。实验结果表明,该方法所需时间相当于Vitaly Surazhsky算法,可以代替Vitaly Surazhsky采用的算法。
Geodesics on Triangular Meshes Surface Based on MMP

ZHOU Gang1, WU Yijie2, SONG Deyu3, LI An1(1.Mechanical & Automative Engineering Department, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Hangzhou 310023;2.Zhejiang University;3.Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027)

Geodesics are used widely in computer graphics and other field. MMP is a sophisticated method while geodesics are calculated on triangular meshes. We achieved a precision geodesics algorithm based on MMP, and modified the error which occurred when adopting the Vitaly Surazhsky’s method. At the window propagating, lamp-house-radial method was used instead of using an approximate type. In dealing with window intersection, the complex and multiplex sorts were treated with layered enumerate type. A clear and comprehensible algorithm used in backtracing. At last, the result was presented, the run time is little more than Vitaly Surazhsky’s to some exerd, but the proposed method is precise.
