Current Issue Cover

刘向培, 王毅, 石汉青, 龙智勇, 姜祝辉(解放军理工大学气象学院,南京 211101)

摘 要
Cloud detection over the southeast China basing on statistical analysis

Liu XiangPei, WangYi, ShiHanqing, LongZhiYong, JiangZhuHui(Institute of Meteorology,PLA University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 211101)

As cloud can significantly affect image qualities in the earth studies,cloud detection plays an important role in analyzing satellite images.Much work has been done on it all over the world,these methods are suitable for large area,but sometimes the precision can’t meet the requirement.Based on the theory of remote sensing and digital filtering,We conduct statistical analysis on a local area (21.0°N~27.0°N,117.0°E~123.0°E).Through the statistic,characteristics and thresholds that are useful for the target area are found,which are Ref1,Ref6 and BT31.As a supplement,it selects Ref26Land and BT31-BT32>Th31-32 to detect cirrus and thin cloud. At the end,the result is analyzed by comparing it with the outcome of MODIS operation arithmetic,which found this method improves the precision of cloud detection.
