Current Issue Cover

张荣福, 马玲官, 张军(上海理工大学光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093)

摘 要
Images concealment based on interframe matching mean and variance

ZHANG Rongfu, MA Lingguan, ZHANG Jun(School of Optical-Electrical and computer Engineering,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093)

Because of vast amounts of information, compression of video signals before saving and transmission is necessary. Communication channels are not error free and, consequently, the encoded bit streams are vulnerable to transmission errors-usually causing loss of data and/or loss of synchronization. Therefore, a temporal error concealment algorithm based on interframe matching mean and variance is presented. The algorithm searches the best match block by matching the pixels adjacent to the error block, and then calculates the matching mean and variance of difference between different neighborhoods. From the result, the motion characteristics are estimated and different candidate blocks are chosen for different motion characteristics. Experimental results show that both the visual quality and PSNR of the image processed using the proposed error concealment method are better than other temporal algorithms.
