Current Issue Cover

白俊奇, 陈 钱, 钱惟贤(南京理工大学 近程高速目标探测技术国防重点学科实验室,南京 210094)

摘 要
Techniques of CDS Noise Filtering in Staring Infrared Imaging System

BAI Junqi, CHEN Qian, QIAN Weixian(Ministerial Key Laboratory JGMT,NJUST,Nanjing 210094)

Fixed pattern noise, an inherent noise of infrared focal plane array (IRFPA), is serious in the low-temperature scene and affects detector imaging quality. The influence of Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) to the nonuniformity in IRFPA is theoretically analyzed based on the structure of internal readout circuit, moreover, the space and time distribution features of CDS noise are described according to simulation data. Aiming at these features, a noise filtering algorithm using the combination of iterative theory and blackbody calibration is proposed. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm can effectively eliminate CDS circuit noise, increase nonuniformity correction precision and have strong utility value.
