Current Issue Cover

徐萧萧, 王智灵, 陈宗海(中国科学技术大学自动化系,合肥 230027)

摘 要
Human pose estimation algorithm based on segmentations of human head and shoulder in video sequences

Xu XiaoXiao, Wang Zhiling, Chen Zonghai(Department of Automation,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230027)

To describe and estimate a human pose in video sequences, most methods use 3D reconstruction. These methods often need multiple cameras, have high computation complexity and need many limit conditions. Because of these limitations, this paper proposes a human pose estimation algorithm based on segmentations of human head and shoulder. In this algorithm, the positions of human head and shoulder are located, then the head pose is obtained from the characteristics of plane imaging of human head and the body pose is obtained from the characteristics of the silhouette of human shoulder. Moving human pose is estimated by both head and body poses. The experiment results demonstrate the validity and superiority of the proposed algorithm.
