Current Issue Cover

郑成勇(五邑大学数学与计算科学学院,广东江门 529020)

摘 要
A novel license plate location method on RGB color space

Zheng Cheng-yong(School of Mathematics and Computational Science,Wuyi University,Jiangmen,Guangdong 529020)

License plate(LP) location is key to vehicle license plate auto recognition system. In this paper, we propose a novel LP location method on RGB color space, which includes four steps: color feature extraction, feature images binaryzation, area filling and de-noising with morphology processing, plate candidate regions verification. Traditional color feature extraction is sensitive to iluminition based on which, we propose a new color feature extraction method that doesnt include the intensity component. For plate candidate regions verification, we discards some geometry features such as the area, length/width ratio, rectangle degree etc, those of which are widely used but sensitive to image size, and we utilizese the special characteristic of LP on character number and character arrangement uniformity to verify the candidate regions. 605 images with various size and illumination condition were tested, success rate of LP location was over 96%, which shows the color feature extraction method is robust to illumination change, and the plate verification is suitable for various image size.
