Current Issue Cover

于国防, 王莉(中国矿业大学信电学院,徐州 221116)

摘 要
Research on compression-type vertex chain code

YU Guofang, Wang li(College of Information and Electronic Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221116)

Two kinds of compression-type vertex chain code are proposed. According to the characteristic that massive continuous two-vertex numbers are usually contained in an image boundary’s vertex chain code, in actual coding process, 1 and 3 are replaced by 0 and 9 separately, and 1 to 8 are used to express 2, a new dynamic vertex chain code is presented. The edge’s vertexe numbers of a figure are divided into four types: 1, 2, 3 and the combination of 1 and 3, based on which the top bit area and the low bit area of one byte are used to express the number and its continuous quantity of the code separately, a new compression type chain code is studied. Compared with the current vertex chain codes based on an efficiency-evaluation method, the results indicate that the new vertex chain codes not only have 50%~70% coding compression-ratio, moreover their coding or decoding efficiency is enhanced by 10%~40%, namely, their decoding real-time is better.
