Current Issue Cover

左志权, 陈媛(武汉大学遥感信息工程学院,武汉 430079)

摘 要
TB级数据时代已经到来,如何有效地在普通PC机上实现TB级地形数据漫游,已逐渐成为GIS(地理信息与系统)学术界的研究热点。海量数据组织管理是3维地形数据漫游的核心机制,传统四叉树、八叉树等数据结构,一定程度上解决绘制瓶颈问题,但是结构复杂,很难适应TB级地形场景实时、稳定的漫游需求。通过实施多级缓冲机制、采用动态LOD(levels of detail)与显存调度技术,以及引入多核CPU并行计算策略,最终构建出一套与数据大小无关的实时地形绘制算法。通过对1 GB、10 GB、200 GB、500 GB级等海量数据进行实验,平均绘制速率可达到30帧/s以上,比一般算法高出2~3倍,从而验证本文算法的实用性。
Research on kernel algorithm of real-time rendering based on TB lever terrain data

zuozhiquan, ChenYuan(School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering of Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079)

With the availability of terrain data of the TB level, how to render terrain data of TB magnitude based on ordinarily computer efficiently, is becoming a hot topic in GIS academia .Organization and management of massive data is the core mechanism for 3D terrain rendering .The traditional data structures as quadtree, octree and so on are not effective, which cannot support real-time displaying and roaming of large-scale terrain scene. According to the mechanism of multi-level buffer, implementation dynamic dispatching of LOD, graphics memory dispatching and multi-core CPU parallel computing strategy, this paper has good results. Finally, this paper puts forward the solution, a real-time Terrain Rendering Algorithm which has no concern with data size. It is verified by experiment on massive data of 1GB, 10 GB, 200 GB, 500 GB and so on, the rendering rate can reach to 30 frame/s. It is faster than most existing algorithms. The experiment result shows the practicability of the real-time terrain rendering algorithm.
