Current Issue Cover

周金广1,2, 黄磊1, 刘昌平1(1.中国科学院自动化研究所,北京 100190;2.中国科学院研究生院,北京 100190)

摘 要
提出了一种在单PTZ摄像机自主跟踪过程中生成全景视频的方法。该方法在自主跟踪目标的同时,生成目标在大场景上运动的全景视频,可应用于PTZ摄像机监控场所。该方法将全景视频看作全景背景图像和当前目标图像的叠加:首先利用Mean Shift跟踪方法逐帧获取目标区域图像并保存;然后利用相邻两帧视频图像的竖直方向投影匹配和Harris角点匹配结果合成全景背景,与传统的配准方法相比,大大降低了匹配运算的复杂度,使全景背景的生成能够实时进行,并记录每帧图像到背景图像的变换参数;最后逐帧将目标区域图像变换到背景图像上得到全景视频。本文方法与传统的全景视频生成方法相比,无需人工控制摄像机的转动,也无需手工对齐视频帧,整个过程全部自动完成。
Video panorama mosaicing in autonomous PTZ tracking


This paper proposed a method of generating video mosaic panorama in single autonomous PTZ tracking application, and this method can compose panorama video of an target object moving on large background image. Our approach can be potentially used in single PTZ surveillance and helpful in monitoring moving object in large scenes. The video mosaic panorama can be separated into target object and panorama background. We first utilize mean shift tracking algorithm to obtain the target region and then align adjacent images by combining vertical projection and harris corners of images, so that image registration can be acquired in real time, meanwhile the transforming parameters to background image are recorded. In the end the whole video mosaic is retrieved by superimposing the target region on the panorama background frame by frame. Compared with traditional method, this can be accomplished without manipulating camera or aligning frames by hand.
