Current Issue Cover

贺广南1, 杨育彬1, 阮佳彬1, 林金杰1(南京大学软件新技术国家重点实验室, 南京 210093)

摘 要
Image retrieval based on visual consistency


In this paper, firstly a new method for color image segmentation is proposed. The segmentation algorithm can segment an image into several regions with high visual consistency. The segmented results can simulate the feelings of human observing images, like an image have several regions with same colors or texture. After obtaining consistent regions, some image region properties like color coding, connectivity coefficient, and area ratio are then extracted as descriptors which can be used for content-based image retrieval. The color coding was obtained by quantification the pixels in the HSI color space. The experimental results shows that the proposed method can not only capture the visual impression of an image, but also have a good performance in image retrieval.
