Current Issue Cover

李钢, 凌军, 张仁斌(合肥工业大学计算机与信息学院,合肥 230009)

摘 要
Study on construction of fan projection histogram and structured road AOI abstraction algorithm

Li Gang, Ling Jun, Zhang Renbin(HeFei University of Technology)

A novel approach that based on fan projection histogram to obtain the lane of the structured road is proposed in the paper. The objectives of approach are to reduce the AOI of vehicle recognition, the demand of the vehicle status and the difficulty of vehicle recognition in the driving direction, as well as to strength the robustness of methods on vehicle recognition. Both models of choice appreciation of projection point and partition of regional angles of lanes are created. Results demonstrate that the method is suitable for both the straight lanes and lanes of moderate curvature. The method shows little dependence on the direction of the vehicle, which owns strong ability to resist the disturbances caused by the vehicle shades, intense sunshine and long serious lane absence. It can also resist the disturbance resulted from deceleration belt and adapt to stronger or weaker light to some extent.
