Current Issue Cover

韦虎1, 张丽艳1, 刘胜兰1, 李博1(南京航空航天大学机电学院,南京 210016)

摘 要
Mesh simplification based on support region


An improvement to quadric-error-metrics-based mesh simplification algorithm is presented in this paper. Firstly, the support region on the original mesh is defined for the new vertex generated in an edge collapse operation, and the connection between the new vertex and the original mesh is established. Secondly,the quadric distance error from the new vertex to its support region is calculated as the global simplification error, and the original quadric error is regarded as the local simplification error; Finally the sum of the two errors is defined as the new cost function of the edge collapse operation. Experimental results demonstrate that the improved algorithm can preserve the details better than the original one and reduce the simplification error obviously.
