Current Issue Cover

张新安1, 宫彦军1, 陈爱武1(湖南科技学院电子工程系,永州 425100)

摘 要
Fast algorithm of sub-pixel motion estimation for AVS-M


To reduce the complexity of AVS-M sub-pixel motion vector search,this paper proposes a sub-pixel motion estimation fast searching algorithm based on prediction.The algorithm expels the less possibility points by doing matching error relation of sub-pixel points selected analysis, which assures the accuracy of sub-pixel search. Through effective search strategy, compared with the half-pixel full search algorithm and CBFPS, experiments show that the proposed algorithm can respectively reduce the sub-pixel search points by 65.25%87.69% and 43.67%67.38% on average PSNR lost less than 0.01dB to the video sequences with different motion characteristics. The algorithm efficiently decreases the computational number of sub-pixel motion estimation.
