Current Issue Cover

符艳军1, 程咏梅1, 潘泉1, 孙开锋2(1.西北工业大学自动化学院,西安 710072;2.西安精密机械研究所,西安 710075)

摘 要
在基于改进Hausdorff 距离的景象匹配辅助导航系统中,为满足系统对实时性的要求,常采用小波多尺度图像分解进行由粗到精的分层匹配,但这种方法对于图像尺寸较小的情况不太适应。基于Hausdorff距离特性,首先提出一种跳跃式的搜索策略,通过对跳跃式搜索及小波多尺度分解两种方法的分析比较,进一步提出一种自适应的快速匹配方法。仿真结果表明,在保证匹配概率的同时,提出的自适应的快速匹配方法比仅采用小波多尺度分层匹配的实时性更好,且在图像尺寸较小时仍能精确定位。
Fast adaptive image matching algorithm


In the scene matching aided navigation system based on the modified Hausdorff distance,a roughness-to-precision hierarchical matching using multi-resolution wavelet decomposition technique is often used to achieve a real-time matching.However,this method is not suitable for the case of small image.Based on the characteristic of Hausdorff distance,a pixel-jump searching method is proposed in this paper.Furthermore,by comparing the pixel-jump searching with wavelet decomposition,an adaptive matching method is brought forward.Simulation results show that the proposed fast adaptive matching method takes less time than multi-resolution wavelet decomposition matching,and that the match point is correct even when the image dimension is small.
