Current Issue Cover

张学武1, 徐立中1, 石爱业1, 张卓1, 范新南1(河海大学计算机与信息学院,南京 210098)

摘 要
Visual measurement system for traffic flow of inland waterway


Acquiring traffic flow parameters of inland waterway is one key issue in developing intelligent inland waterway transport system. The paper proposes a method of vision measurement to acquire waterway traffic flow parameters. It uses vision sensors to capture panoramic view image of channel, extracts interested objects (ships), and establishes visual perception measurement model for acquiring geometric parameters of the ship under multi-view. A model which used CCD vision sensors to capture image information and broad knowledge-based sensors to fuse information is constructed and is used to compute water transport parameters, including the tonnage of ships, ship types, ship speed, occupancy rate of waterway, traffic density, the security state of ships, and other basic parameters of important waterway transport infrastructure, which serves as basis for traffic management, planning, and decision-making for waterway transport management sector. The results show that the system can obtain the traffic flow parameters of water access reliably, which meets the engineering requirements.
