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顾梅花1,2, 余宁梅1, 寇立康1, 朱磊2(1.西安理工大学自动化与信息工程学院,西安 710048;2.西安工程大学电子信息学院,西安 710048)

摘 要
Fast mode decision algorithm for H.264 based on early termination method

Gu Meihua, Yu Ningmei1, Kou Likang1, Zhu li2(1.Xi'an University of Technology;2.Xi'an Polytechnic University)

To simplify the computational complexity in mode selection process for H.264,a fast mode decision algorithm is proposed in this paper.According to the statistical rule of the best mode chosen by inter frame,the relationship of the temporal and spatial characteristics with the best mode is found. At each stage of inter mode selection,the temporal and spatial characteristics of macroblock(MB) are detected,once the residual homogeneous or spatial homogeneous conditions are satisfied,the mode selection process is terminated.Experimental results show that this method can make the encoding speed accelerate about 23.11% and peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR) improve about 0.058dB,with only 2.11% increase about bit rate.
