Current Issue Cover

朱昌盛1, 周伟1, 关键1(海军航空工程学院电子信息工程系)

摘 要
Main Road Extraction from SAR Imagery Based on Parallel Pairs detection


This paper proposes a new approach for extraction of main roads from SAR imagery based on parallel pairs detection. The process is divided into three steps, in the low-level step, after the original SAR imagery is filtered to suppress the speckle noise, Ratio Of Exponentially Weighted Averages(ROEWA) operator is used to detect edge; in the mid-level step, eliminating short lines and linking roads firstly, then the approach of parallel pairs detection is carried out; in the high-level step, after linking the roads, we recognize the roads by the proposed model. Finally, the roads are grown according to the conditions. The experiment results show the feasibility of the approach.
