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郭东1, 曹作良2, 彭商贤1(1.天津大学智能机械研究所,天津 300072;2.天津理工学院,天津 300191)

摘 要
The Study of 3D Data Model and Animation Display of the Body Meridians and Collaterals


The triple correlation of 2-D image is a complete representation of images. It has the properties of translation invariance and insensitivity to AGN. In this paper, according to the similarity among the vector triangles formed by two indepentent vectors of triple correlation function, the dist ributions of these two vectors are discussed, so that the triple correlation function based on the triangle form is introduced. The translation-rotation-scale invariant representation is established by logarithmic mapping of the scaling factor, and FFT transforming of this function. The simulation experiment illustrates the translation-rotation-scale invariance of invariant representation.
