Current Issue Cover

王晓梅1, 杨旭波1, 石教英1(浙江大学CAD&CG国家重点实验室,杭州 310027)

摘 要
A New Module Design Tool of the General Visualization Platform


This paper presents an automatic module wrapping tool,Module Extender(ME).ME is a relatively independent part of the General Interactive Visualization Environment(GIVE).GIVE provides a convenient module-level programming environment.And it supports users to set up a visualization map by selecting appropriate modules from the Module Librarian.Thus,the contents of the Module Librarian decide the system's application fields.By the visual operative interface ,ME supports users to directly build modules from existing algorithm codes into the Module Librarian on the basis of the API functions and the module's syntactical definition.This makes the system an opened environment and adaptable to different application fields.
