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常鸿森1, 保宗悌1(华南师范大学物理系,广州 510631)

摘 要
以油料在管道中输送为例进行电容层析成象仿真.利用有限元方法对电场建立数学模型,在SGI indigo 2工作站上,使用AVS可视化软件和反投影算法,对3种典型流态模型反演及显示其流体成份分布的图象.
Improvement of Center Weighted Median Filters for Image


Electrical capacitance tomography(ECT)provides a new way for imaging the crosssection of process pipelines and vessels containing components with dillerent permittivities.This paper describes an emulation method used for two component flow imaging.When the 1 dielectric distribution of the flow pattern is given.the capacitance between any two electrodes of the transducercan be calculated through a finite clement method (FEM).Then the reconstructed imaging can be gained with the contribution of Applicanon Visualization System and back project algorithm. Finally.three typical two-phase flow regimes.which encountered in practice .are reconstructed on a workstation SGI indigo 2.
