Current Issue Cover

张继贤1, 柳健1, 李德仁2(1.华中理工大学图像所,武汉 430074;2.武汉测绘科技大学信息工程学院,武汉 430070)

摘 要
Technical Approach to Realistic Terrain Generation


Since its extreme irregularity and complexity of real topography.3D realistic terrain generation is one of the most challenging problems under some given condition.In this paper.real terrain is regarded as a hierarchical and stochastic process.through the integration of fractal geometry.random number generation and our established terrain model for description of terrain structure.a realistic and feasible hierarchical method for 3D terrain generation is proposed and established. The method we propose is formed by three stages:determination of initial simulation condition.formation of controlling terrain sketch;and addition of localized terrain details by fractal interpolation. Any kind of wonderlul terrains can be simulated according to some given condition such as required topographic parameters(average height,standard deviation.average slope.terrain frequency.terrain relative length etc.)or some known characteristic points by the use of our method.Experimental results show its ellectivity and realiability of this method.
