Current Issue Cover

荆晓远1, 金忠1, 杨静宇1(南京理工大学计算机科学与工程系603教研室,南京 210094)

摘 要
Preprocessing Images Based on Band-pass Filtering and Genetic Algorithm and Face Recognition


In this paper, in order to enhance the classification information of an image, we use band pass filtering to preprocess face images, improve the sorting performance of singular value (SV) feature . We give a group of circular filter functions, use genetic algorithm to select the frequency bands of larger divisibility value and to estimate the parameters of circular filter functions, and design the expression of chromosome and the solution of fitness. Experiments prove that by selecting the frequency bands the sort results of SV features can be improved apparently, and by estimating the parameters it can be improved much more apparently and computation complexity is relatively larger. Our method can also be adapted to the other algebraic features.
