Current Issue Cover

李晓辉1, 俞能海1, 刘政凯1(中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系,合肥 230027)

摘 要
提出了一种基于轮廓/纹理的适用于低比特率帧间编在码的BBSMF方法。该方法首先把图象分割成不同区域,对分割后的各个区域用可变尺寸的正方形分块逼 近;然后采用运动检测技术分离出运动区域和静止区运动区域进行运动估计,
An Interframe Coding Method Using Block-Based Segmentation of Motion Field


This paper proposed a contour/texture-based inter-frame coding method, BBSMF, which is suited for low bit-rate video coding. The BBSMF method first segments an image into some homgeneous regions, and generates variable size blocks to approximate these regions; Then it applies motion detection technique to separate the image into moving regions and still regions, the moving regions are estimated to get motion information by which a motion field image is constructed; Finally, the motion field image is segmented, the contours and the motion mean errors of textures are coded. Computer simulation shows that the BBSMF method gives better performance than the H.261 method in terms of not only CR but PSNR and subjective quality of reconstruction images. In this paper, some discussions are also made on subsample coding, motion compensation of moving scenes and how to select the number of predicted frames, etc..
