Current Issue Cover

张继贤1, 林宗坚1, 柳健2, 张钧2, 黄宸2(1.中国测绘科学研究院,北京 100039;2.华中理工大学图象识别与人工智能研究所,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A Wavelet Based Multiscale Synthesis Approach to Terrain Simulation


As an improvement and replacement of random midpoint displacement method for fBm process generation, a wavelet based multiscale synthesis approach to terrain simulation is proposed in this paper. This new method regards real terrain as a hierarchical and stochastic process, a generalized stochastic relative method is presented to generate enough structural point according to given topographic parameters such as average height, standard deviation, terrain relative length and terrain coarseness etc. for the representation of terrain sketch. Random variables with an appropriate variance proportional to are generated to get terrain details at each scale j. Then an iterative wavelet synthesis on these details and sketch points results in the simulated realistic 3D terrain with any fineness. Experimental results show it's effectively and reliable of this method.
