Current Issue Cover

张荣1, 刘政凯1, 李厚强1(中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系,合肥 230027)

摘 要
Classification-based Lossless Compression of Multispectral Data


Multispectral imagery is one of sequence images. Usually, the frame compression of sequence images is based on the decorrelation between frames. To multispectral imagery, there is less correlation between frames. So the conventional frame compression is invalid. In this paper, we present a new lossless compression technique that based on classification to decorrelate spectral correlation and spatial correlation, we called it classification~based spectral prediction and spatial prediction (CBS2P2) method. The imagery was classified first, then was compressed by spectral prediction and spatial prediction. We created spectral pridictors with spectral vectors, for the gray values of image pixels were based on spectral vectors, and chosed the second mode of JPEG standard rediction modes for lossless compression as spatial predictors. The experiments with 6 bands SPOT data, 5 bands NOAA-AVHRR data and 6 bands TM data show the compression ratios can be improved.
