Current Issue Cover

黄小虎1, 李维1, 郑南宁1(西安交通大学人工智能与机器人研究所,西安 710049)

摘 要
A New Parallel Volume Rendering based on Shear-Wrap Using a Pipeline Framework


In distributed computing environment, an important factor which will affect the performance of parallel algorithm is communication bandwidth. This paper presents a parallel volume rendering algorithm using a shear-warp factorization of the viewing Transformation on the local area network of PCs. We fully take use of the overlap of communication and computing to overcome the bottleneck of communication. In many parallel volume rendering algorithm based on object partition, local volume rendering and image composition are divided into two serial processes, in the period of local volume, the communication hardly happen, contrarily, in the period of image composition, the communication is very busy, even communication congest happen, furthermore there are a very big synchronism overhead in this period. The paper take use of Pipeline based on PC, local volume rendering and image composition are executed concurrently, the draw backs above are solved well. Our experiment which is completing on the Pipeline including 16 Pentium shows that communication do not affect the performance of algorithm, and the overheads are very little to rendering time. The paper provide a method for studying low-price, high-efficiency real-time volume rendering system.
