Current Issue Cover

张佳华1, 王长耀1(中国科学院遥感应用研究所全球室,北京 100101)

摘 要
Analysis to Application of Fragile Ecological Heterogeneity mapping Based on Landscape Information Flow and GIS


Fragile ecological environment is a unstable factor influence on live-supporting environment, lead to environment gradually deteriorated, in the paper processing from landscape and landscape ecology, first the meaning of mapping in landscape heterogeneity under landscape information flow determined by informatics, the measurement, the character and obtaining methods of landscape information flow have been discussed, in the meant ime, the way and expression of transform in landscape information flow pattern have been introduced. Second, the lanscape information effect in geoscience heterogeneity information has been discussed, in particularly the heterogeneity information in fragile ecological landscape has been analyzed. In further the mapping method of landscape heterog eneity in fragile landscape ecological environment based on GIS has been stated. Using date acquired by Landsat TM 1:250000 and 1:500 000 around 1990s and GIS in southeast of Horqin Sandy Land, combining with dates of investigated to the area from 1970s to 1980s, fragile ecological landscape heterogeneity map and land cover in the area have been provided.
