Current Issue Cover

国栋1, 程乾生1(北京大学数学学院信息科学系,北京 100871)

摘 要
Adaptive Ray Casting Method Based on the Optional Sampling Pattern


Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) algorithm is an important method to display the three dimensional data and it is widly used in medical image rendering and sicentific visualization. Furthermore, ray casting method is a basic method of DVR algorithm. However, it is limited by plenty of computation. From the view of reducing the number of casted ray, this article provided an adaptive ray casting method based on the optional sampling pattern. The advantage of the algorithm is not only using the simple human vision model and powerful fourier analysis tools, but also making the advantage of the sampling pattern being more suitable to the human vision model and reducing the aliase pattern. As a result, more noise is changed to be more insensitive. So, this algorithm not only improves the image rendering quality, but also reduces the image rendering time.
