Current Issue Cover

丁迎1, 洪继光1(中国科学院自动化所微电子中心,北京 100080)

摘 要
Distinguishing and Solving of Pseudo Match in Image Mosaicing


Image mosaicing is to“stitch”together overlapping multiple images into a large image. One of the difficulties in image mosaicing is, when the overlapping region has not evident features or has many similar features, pseudo-match will happen and cause mosaicing failure. Based on MSE curve and constraints between the images, an approach was proposed for distinguishing and solving of pseudo-match. For there are constrains between the images, each image has several calculating paths. When the results of several paths are not identical, pseudo match happened. The difference of two minimal extremum on MSE curve can be used as the degree of belief of matching. We select the path with the highest degree of belief as right matching path. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency of this method.
