Current Issue Cover

吴福朝1, 于洪川1, 袁波1, 韦穗1(安徽大学人工智能研究所,合肥 230039)

摘 要
View Interpolation Correspondence with Viewpoint


Image morphing method, which is based on the pixels position and color interpolation between two images, has been widely used in image interpolation. The former methods can't keep 3D shape, even though 2D shape. A new morphing method adopted viewpoint morphing technique. The 3D shape of the object can be kept if the projection transformation (called camera matrix) from 3D to 2D can be predetermined. It is difficult to gain camera matrix from the two images by the existing methods and techniques. This drawback confines to the applications of the view morphing. In this paper, a new morphing method is presented. We proved that the interpolatory view is correspondent to a viewpoint. The method needn't predetermine the camera matrix. And it is of simple computation and easy realization.
