Current Issue Cover

陈朝阳1, 张桂林1, 张天序1(华中理工大学图象识别与人工智能研究所,图象信息处理与智能控制国家教委开放实验室,武汉 430074)

摘 要
给出了一种求解图象模糊点扩散函数的实用方法,成像系统在远处和近处对同一景物所成的两幅图象,远处像 处像模糊,图象模糊点扩散函数描述了从远外像中求解远处像的转换关系,针对求解过程中的数学病态性,采用高斯函数约束枚举法进行正则化约束计算,实验表明,该方法具有抗噪声干扰能力强,运算速度快等优点。
A Solution for Image Blurring Point Spread Function


A practical solving method for blur point spread function of two image is proposed. In the two images that are taken for the same scene in the far space and in the near space, the far one is more blurred than the near one. The blurring point spread function expresses the relationship of two images transforming. Regarding the ill posed problems, a regulation method is given by enumerating gauss function. This method can be accomplished rapidly with the high noise condition.The experimental results are given in detail.
