Current Issue Cover

章毓晋1(清华大学电子工程系,北京 100084)

摘 要
Image Engineering in China:1998


This is thefourth in the survey series of yearly bibliographies on image engineering in China.Considering the current status of the researches on image engineering and the applications ofimage techniques as well as the distribution of related publications in China,more than 300 research and technique references are selected from near 1500 research papers published in a set of 15 Chinese journals,in which papers concerning image engineering are relatively concentrated.These references are classified into different categories according to their contents.An analysis and a discussion of thestatistics made on the classification results are also presented.This work shows a general and up-to-date picture of the progresses of image engineering in China,supplies a convenient means of literature searching for readers doing researches and/or applications in this field,and provides auseful reference for the editors of journals and potential authors of papers.
