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张霞1, 朱启疆1, 闵祥军1(北京师范大学资源与环境科学系,北京 100875)

摘 要
分裂窗口算法是目前由热红外遥感图象数据获取陆面温度最主要的方法。文中对1997年8月22日内蒙古巴 丹吉林沙漠地区的两幅NOAA/AVHRR热红外图象,利用辐射传输模型LOWTRAN7计算大气参数进行大气校正,在采用 Li&Becker算法(1993)反演出具有一定可信度的地表发射率基础上,选取常见的5种分裂窗口算法分别获取了该地区的地表辐射温度,并以Sobrino1991算法结果为标准,进行了算法间比较,结果表明各算法具有可比性
Analysis of Split Window Algorithms for Estimating Land Surface Temperature from AVHRR Data


Split-window algorithm is a major solution to retrieve land-surface temperature from thermal infrared remote sensing data. In this paper, two images (daytime and night ) of NOAA/AVHRR are acquired at Badanjilin desert site on August 22 1997. After the atmospheric correction for the two images is performed by LOWTRAN 7 code, emissivity of certain confidence is estimated by using emissivity inversion algorithm of Li&Becker(1993). On the basis of the same emissivity knowledge, land-surface temperature is retrieved by using five typical split-window algorithms respectively. The temperature of each algorithm is comparedwith that of algorithm of Sobrino(1991), it turnes out that they are comparable and reliable.
