Current Issue Cover

王钢1, 林江发1, 张赛珍1, 陈耀松1(北京大学力学与工程科学系,北京 100871)

摘 要
Wavelet Analysis of Aero Magnetic Anomality of Sheng Li Oil Field


In this paper, wavelet analysis is utilized to analyze and process the aero magnetic anomality of Sheng Li Oil Field. The wavelet property of aero magnetic of the oil field is studied, and the relationship between this property and the disrtibution of the underground oil is found. The result indicates that the distribution of underground oil location is the same as high frequency part derived from the aero magnetic anomaly signal.Furthermore,high frequency part is helpful to understand the controling factor of oil savings. Using this method,the authors predict by the other high frequency parts,and the results are acknowledged by the oil geoprahy experts working in local area.
