Current Issue Cover

郭小方1, 王润生1(国土资源部航空物探遥感中心,北京 100083)

摘 要
Radiometric Correction of Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Data


Quality and interpretability of airborne imaging spectrometer data generally are degraded by radiometricdistortions which are related to the larger viewing field of remote sensor. During the period of data acquisition, some parameters, such as path radiance, atmospheric attenuation and the sun-object-sensor geometry, continuously change with viewing angle, which causes a severe radiometric distortion on airborne imaging spectrometer data in scanning direction. Additionally, non-Lambertin reflection of ground objects and relief of terrain strongly complicate the radionetric distortion. It is impossible to do data processing and quantitative analysis if radiometric distortions of data are not corrected properly. In this paper, a new method based on image itself is developed to correct edge radiometric distortion of airborne imaging spectroneter data. Experimental results presented in the paper illustrate that the proposed method is more practical, effective and efficient for radiometric restoration of airborne imaging spectrometer data.
