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陈云浩1, 郭达志1, 陶康华2(1.中国矿业大学北京校区,北京 100083;2.上海师范大学地理系,上海 200234)

摘 要
Research on Calculation Method of Thermal Image Fractal Dimension


Image fractal dimension is a useful measure which can be used to characterize features of images. In this paper, three new methods—gray scale surface fractal, curse fractal, pixel fractal to estimate the fractal dimension of thermal image are proposed. The practices indicate that gray scale surface fractal can open out the unitary fractal character of thermal image, curse fractal can contrast and research the thermal radiation character of typical area and pixel fractal can give a quantitative description of variety grades of thermal radiation. After the researching of general fractal theory, the related characters of those methods are discussed. As an example, Shanghai City thermal image is given and the signification of experimental result is analyzed lastly.
