Current Issue Cover

李红旮1, 黄晓霞1(中国科学院遥感应用研究所,北京 100101)

摘 要
Feature-Based Three Dimensional Smooth Morphing


Image metamorphosis or image morphing, used for creating a smooth transition between two images, is a hotspot in the field of image processing. At present, the morphing processing focuses on two-dimensional images. With more and more images generated from three-dimensional models, extending the morphing techniques to three dimensional models is attracting more attention. In this paper, based on the analyses of feature-based metamorphosis, considering three dimensional data model, we put forward an algorithm on feature-based three dimensional morphing to deal with scatting data. In the algorithm, firstly shifting smooth interpolation is used to simulate the warp, then blending method is used to improve the precision and effect of morphing. The implementation shows that the method is reliable. The method is available for not only three dimensional, but also two dimensional image morphing.
