Current Issue Cover

张芹1, 谢隽毅1, 吴慧中1, 张正军1(南京理工大学计算机系,南京 210094)

摘 要
Overview of Methods of Modeling for Irregular Objects


Developing a visually convincing model of fire, smoke, clouds and other irregular fuzzy objects is the most difficult and attractive problems in computer graphics. This paper relates several methods for modeling and simulating irregular objects such as fire, smoke, and clouds. Solid texture-based model, fractal-based clouds model, diffusion processes-based fire model, cellular automata-based flame model, and particle system-based fire model and clouds model presented by researchers in recent years are introduced here. Lastly, we analyze the performance such as representation of the object, a model for its spatiotemporal behavior and application environments of these existing models, especially for the models based on particle system which can represent motion, changes of form, and dynamics that are not possible with classical surfaced-based representations and can easily generate richly detailed images. For particle system, the quickly computable models have to be developed to describe these objects in the future.
