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卜佳俊1, 陈 纯1, 马凌洲1(浙江大学计算机系,杭州 310027)

摘 要
印花行业中的半色调技术来源于印刷行业.众所周知,彩色印刷中的半色调技术主要采用调幅和调频两种方法,但是由于印花行业与印刷行业具体工艺的不同,两者的半色调技术存在许多不同的特点,而彩色印刷中的半色调方法并不能直接应用于印花行业,因此需要研究适合印花行业的半色调方法.针对印花行业的特点,本文提出了一种全新的挂网算法.该算法不仅能够满足印花行业特定工艺的需要,而且从根本上解决了印制云纹图案时容易产生龟纹的现象.此算法已在Windows 98平台上实现,并在实际生产中应用.
A Novel Algorithm for Halftone


Halftone is first used in color printing systems. The two main methods used in halftone of color printing systems are amplitude modulation and frequency modulation. But because the difference in techniques, we cannot use the methods in color printing directly into the system of textile printing. With the development of CAD/CAM and modern textile techniques, more and more researches focus on the design and manufacture of gradient patterns in textile printing. Based on the algorithm in color printing systems, a novel algorithm for halftone used in textile printing is presented. It can satisfy the techniques of textile printing. At the same time it overcomes the disadvantage of the old halftone algorithms and will not produce moirépatterns again. At the end of the paper, some improvements on the algorithm are also mentioned so that it can be more suitable for the idiographic techniques in textile printing. The algorithm it has been realized under Windows 98 and has been used in the textile oriented CAD/CAM system (Top98) in real factories.
