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夏利民1, 谷士文1, 沈新权2(1.长沙铁道学院电子系,长沙 410075;2.Department of Electrical Engineering The University of Surrey, Guildford, UK)

摘 要
3D Surface Adaptive Reconstruction Based on Deformable Models


This paper presents a method for 3D surface adaptive reconstruction based on a deformable model, which integrates a deformable model and ACD(Affine Cell Decomposition)method. An external force is developed from the statistical characteristics of image that drives the model towards surface of object with complex geometries and topologies. ACD method is used to adapt topologies of model by reparameterizing the deformable model. In order to improve the speed and robust of 3D surface reconstruction, the mul-scale surface reconstruction algorithm is proposed. Results of several experiments show the potential of the method for reconstruction some objects with complicated shape and topologies.
