Current Issue Cover

李飞鹏1, 廖孟扬2, 曾发龙2, 王思贤2(1.武汉测绘科技大学测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室,武汉 430072;2.武汉大学图象及信息技术研究所,武汉 430072)

摘 要
Source&Reflection-Attenuation Model for Volume Rendering


For almost all kinds of medical images, especially image series generated by CT, MRI and B-Scan, the difficulty consisting in the rendering of three-dimensional (3D) volume data set is actually a key hindrance for 3D Visualization. Aiming at the problem, a lot of models and algorithms have been proposed. In medical imaging, shortly after the publication of“Volume Rendering”written by Dr. Drebin, the algorithm of volume rendering based on classification became very popular. However, the common method can be only a makeshift. 3D visualization, in terms of direct insight into the volume data set, should not be the superstructure of classification, but the basis of it. Summarizing the Source-Attenuation model of volume rendering and Lambert Cosine Law of diffuse reflection, in the paper, a new light model of Source &Reflection-Attenuation for 3D Visualization in Medical Imaging is proposed. This model assumes that each point in the three-dimensional scalar data field is a light source and can also reflect the incident ray, moreover the distributing of reflected light conforms to Lambert Cosine Law of diffuse reflection. The experimental results show that the new model can produce vivid 3D images, when used for 3D visualization in medical imaging.
