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贾克斌1, 沈波1(北京工业大学信号与信息处理研究室,北京 100022)

摘 要
PACS的重要性已被人们所认识,并且其技术在近15a中得到了迅速发展.但是,实现PACS仍然还有很 多问题有待于解决.该文通过大量有关文献研究,指出并分析了实现PACS过程中涉及到的关键技术,特别是对国际医学影象通信标准的内容进行了介绍;讨论了系统中有关影象存档和处理显示功能的软件设计方法;分析了常用的大容量影象数据存储方式,并给出了国内目前可行的解决方案.最后指出,为了跟上国际医学信息技术的发展潮流,必须要研究和掌握PACS的关键技术,特别是应尽快地研究和制定医学影象的通信和存储标准.在目前的条件下,可以先研究和建立小型的,等条件成熟时,再建立大型和实用的.
The Key Technologies in Realization of PACS


The importance of PACS has been recognized and progress of its technologies has rapid speed for the past 15 years. The Implementation of PACS still has many technical problems to solve. In this paper,firstly,the key technologies of PACS are presented and analyzed. Secondly, the standardization of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine of ACR/NEMA DICOM3.0 is described. Thirdly,Some software functions in image archiving,processing and display are discussed. Fourthly,a scheme for saving large data of medical imaging is proposed. Finally,the paper points out that in order to follow the stream of medical information,it is necessary to study and master the key technologies of PACS. It should to study and establish the standard for communication and store of medical image. In present condition,it should to study and set up small PACS. And large PACS will be established when there are mature conditions.
