Current Issue Cover

朱述龙1(解放军信息工程大学测绘学院遥感信息工程系,郑州 450052)

摘 要
The Computation of Region Depth and Its Application to Image Feathering


In order to resolve the problem of image feathering in the region, the formula of weight function is presented based on the depth information of the region and every pixel in the region is processed according to the weight. As a result, the closer the pixel is to the region boundary, the less the correction of pixel value is, and the farther the pixel is to the region boundary, the more the correction of pixel value is. This method of image feathering is also tested using real images. In order to overcome the time consuming disadvantage of iterative algorithm for computation of region depth, a fast algorithm is also proposed and tested using convex, concave and cross polygon region. The experiment shows that the method proposed above is very effective and can acquire good results in image feathering of the region.
