Current Issue Cover

周 焰1,2, 李德华1,2, 陈振羽1,2, 胡汉平1,2(1.武汉空军雷达学院六系自动化教研室,武汉 430010;2.图象信息处理与智能控制国家教委开放研究实验室,华中理工大学图象识别与人工智能研究所,武汉 430074)

摘 要
A Fast Algorithm of Triangulation on 3D Surface


Triangulation from 3D points set is one of often using ways in which 3D surface is restored. But in practice, it needs to process a huge of data, so it is time consuming. Based on the fact in 3D restoration that most sequential section contours of an object are similar to adjacent ones, a quick method on triangulation between two section contours is proposed in this paper. First, the dominant points of every contour are located, then the dominant points of two contours are matched each other, so the area between two contours is segmented into multi smaller areas. And then triangulation is performed in each small area. Because of the pre-matched dominant points, a simple and quick triangulation can be applied. In this paper, the strategy of triangulation we used is:keep the proportion of the numbers of the dots not used on two curves in accordance with that of whole numbers of the dots on the two curves. Analysis by theory and experiments show that the visual effect of this algorithm is almost the same in computing with common global optimizing methods, and it spends much less time. So the algorithm is effective.
