Current Issue Cover

王 仲1, 董 欣1, 陈晓鸥1(北京大学计算机科学技术研究所,北京 100871)

摘 要
SVG—A New Language Specification Supporting Scalable Vector Graphics for Web Browsing


In recent yeras, as a novel way of exchanging and gleaning information, the Web browser has become more and more important, From the prinmarily support for only tedious characters to the ability to display a variety of images, HTML, the basic file format for the browsing and exchanging of data from Internet/Intranet, is taking an indispensable role. As the development of Web browser, HTML, however, cannot meet the new needs and its disadvantages are becomign obvious. The first shortcoming lies in the fact that the HTML specification adopts fixed tags, which is more limited and meaningless. As a result, intelligent searching on the Internet is rather difficult. In addition, not supporting vector graphics can be another weakness of HTML. Classic Web browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator, simply display images downloaded from Web sites without any further processing. Meanwhile, the images bring some more shortcomings, too big file size and variable appearances among different devices, for instance. As a solution, SVG, a new image and graphic specification supporting scalable vecor graphics for Web browsing, is put forward. As a member of the XML family, SVG inherits the advantages of XML and fully supports vector graphic, image and text by means of defining extensible tags. The SVG specification is presented in this paper. The characteristics and advantages of the specification are analyzed in detail in the view of technique. A typical example is demonstrated to reinforce the specification. Finally some advice is given at the end of the paper.
