Current Issue Cover

苏理宏1,2, 黄裕霞1(1.北京师范大学遥感与地理信息系统研究中心,北京 100875;2.中国科学院遥感应用研究所遥感信息科学开放实验室,北京 100101)

摘 要
Management and Usage of Metadata and Method Metadata in Resources and Environment Information System


To share knowledge in an resources and environment information system, it is necessary to find an approach to manage data, which includes spatial data, remotely sensed data, attribute and knowledge, and models, which consists of spatial analysis models and spatial decision support models. Our approach of solving the problems is to create an integrated frame for metadata of resources and environment information and method metadata of environmental modelling, and integrate data and models in the resources and environment information system based on the frame. In context of the resources and environment information system, data usually include attribute data, vector data, raster data, and knowledge data on narrow sense. Its metadata defines the specifications, qualify control and information sharing for the narrow sense data. And some standards for the metadata had been established. This article considers that it is essential to normatively describe ways and means of environment modeling to share knowledge about modeling, so puts forward the concept of method metadata to standardize descriptive information about environment modeling for the first time. We think that the integrated metadata frame should consist of the metadata about the data and the method metadata about models. In development and operation of resources and environment information system, we can integrate database, remote sensing, geographic information system and environment modeling based on the integrated metadata frame, due to these two kind of metadata adequate describing characters of data and data processing in the system. The integrated metadata frame will be adopted to integrate and share data and models by some projects, such as the resources, environment &district economy information system, and the research on quantitative remote sensing. It is positive that the integrated metadata frame will do a good job.
