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鲍海1, 何红红2, 张粒子1, 董瑾1,2(1.空军第七研究所第四研究室,北京 100085;2.华北电力大学(北京)基础部,北京 102206)

摘 要
Working on A Organization Method for Large Landscape Image Database


For these characteristics of large landscape image such as huge saving memory and limited basic graph units to compose image, in this paper, a method based on multi level database was advanced to reduce the memory of large image. The database included two parts: graph database and mapping database. The organization mode of graph database and mapping database was presented, the mapping relation between graph units and geography position in image was put forward, the extraction of graph units from multi-level database was established. The mapping database was consisted with three level data table:the base function graph table, the function unit table, image table. The based function graph which was contructed by graph units, the function unit table which was recorded the relationship of the base function graphs described a part image, the image table was contented with all function graphs with variable situation. The reflection that established the relationship of two different data tables was described by palette, this reflection was unique. One point of high class level table reflected a unit of lower level table, by this way, it would be reduced the saving memory largely. This kind of multi level database had some characteristics such as high speed and accuracy locating, less memory of large image. By this way, 1G bytes image used memory less than 3M bytes.
