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余越1, 薛永林2, 李凤亭2, 葛成辉2(1.清华大学电子工程系,深圳市华为技术有限公司,北京 100084;2.清华大学电子工程系,北京 100084)

摘 要
Noise Image Coding Using Soft-Threshold Based Denoising


The soft threshold method proposed by Donoho is studied in this paper. The noise standard deviation of noise image and the thresholds of different scale are given. A separable 2 D wavelet filter is used so that the soft threshold denoising by Donoho is expediently applied to image processing, such as simultaneous denosing makes compression rate of a noisy image be large farthest. For noise image of nature scene and SAR, different image compression schemes are proposed respectively. Especially for SAR image, a natural logarithm transfors multiplicative noise to additive noise so that SAR image can be suppressed via the soft threshold denoising scheme. Experimental results show the decoded images by the soft threshold denoising have better quality than by the hard threshold denoising. It indicates that the improved ways in this paper are effective for noise image compression.
