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柏森1,2, 曹长修2, 曹龙汉1,2, 王田2, 汪纪锋1,2(1.重庆通信学院,重庆 400035;2.重庆大学自动化学院,重庆 400044)

摘 要
Digital Image Details Hiding Technology Based on Knight-tour Transformation


This paper is devoted to seek a new image hiding technology, which only scrambles the detail of images and keeps invariable in the mass, instead of arousing the desire to decrypt the image. Firstly, the concept of knight tour problem and knight tour matrix are introduced. A new scramble transformation is presented, which is called a knight tour transformation(KTT). The principle that KTT can hide the details of images is analyzed. Secondly, several experimental results involving details hiding of images are given. Several edges detection experiments are also given to illustrate the usefulness of our method in hiding images' details. The experiments show that the image is approximately invariable in collectivity and it seems to be polluted by some noises. Therefore, the scrambled image does not easily stimulate other people's desire of trying to decrypt it. In addition, the transformation also can hide text information into image. By means of this the security of image and the information hiding into it are increased. This is propitious to transmit security of image details and confidential texts. Finally, it shows that the security is high and the immunity is strong by analyzing KTT 's characteristics on image hiding and disguising.
