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马向英1, 杜威1, 袁小军1, 李华1(中国科学院计算技术研究所CAD开放实验室,北京 100080)

摘 要
基于图象的绘制(Image Based Rendering)作为一种全新的图形绘制方式,以其相对于传统几何绘制而言,具有高效实用的优点,近年来得到了研究人员越来越多的关注,但IBR技术仍存在一些主要难点,如图象的无缝拼接和实时漫游。针对此问题,开发了一个基于部分球面模型的室内虚拟漫游系统。该系统采用自动匹配和人机交互相结合的方法,可以无缝地将多幅照片拼接成一张全景图,同时采用一种改进的基于查找表的算法,实现了固定视点的实时漫游。
Walkthrough in Image-Based Virtual In-door Environment


As a new rendering thcnique, image based rendering(IBR) receives more and more attention becarse of its high efficiency in virtual scenes modeling and rendering comparing with traditional geometry based rendering. The major challenge of IBR is to represent the continuous scene with images of discontinuous views, so that users can change their viewpoints arbitrarily in real time. In other words, we should find a way to stitch images of different views together. In this paper, we show the implementation of an image based spherical virtual in door environment. The scene is represented as a spherical panorama, which means user is fixed at the center of the sphere and can only look around. Compared with previous works, our system can stitch a continuous panorama from several photos with a semiautomatic method more easily. Meanwhile, a lookup table based algorithm is used to realize the real time walkthrough on a fixed point. At the end of this paper, some experimental results can demonstrate the efficiency and quality of our method.
